The Big Picture

Our Story: How it all started?

In early 2017 Myra learnt in her JK School activity that seeds can be used to make trees. At home she asked us if that is possible from the seeds of the apple she ate. That is how first seeds were put to sprout and three did! These turned out to be happy plants through the Summer of 2017. By the Fall of 2017 it was clear to us that these plants do not have much future in the pots they were in at that time. So we planted two of them next to our house in Ottawa south and took the third, the best amongst the three, inside our house to be put under lights within the warmth of our home.

It was really pleasant to have an apple plant inside our house-- to see tiny leaves sprouting and growing bigger. However in just a few weeks the colors started to fade and then in no time the plant died completely. There wasn’t much we could do about that and not much happened for a very very long time.

It was a pleasant surprise in the spring of 2018 when the two plants planted outdoors showed up signs of life, especially because we did not expect much from them anyway. These turned out to be happy plants through summer of 2018 and 2019. Later in the summer of 2019 these two plants were transplanted near Limerick Forest, their new home.

Our first experience with tree plantation was enlightening. We very clearly saw how the forces in nature work-- how the plants left outside were actually so much at home. They thrived well and grew into happy and healthy plants. So it was unnecessary to make futile efforts to provide a better environment for our best plant, while all that was needed by the plant to thrive, already existed in nature.

How we plan to take things forward?

Following is the phase-wise breakup of our plans and activities (at present and in future)

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5